Funeral Hearse – The Fist, The Spit, The Sword MC

1. Purification 06:42
2. Sins 02:06
3. Profanation 03:54

$ 8.00

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SKU: REDA014MC Category:
“The Fist. The Spit, The Sword” includes three tracks written by the band’s multi-instrumentalist, Azrael, and its vocalist/ lyricist, Deadwax. It was mixed and mastered by Vinod Vaskaran (guitarist of Rudra). The genesis of the new EP has been explained in this way by Azrael:

“I had this idea for “THE FIST. THE SPIT. THE SWORD.”, after watching a documentary about sins and how diffrerent religions have different acts to redeem your sins such as confession and/ or cleansing yourself in water. The idea that you commit a sin and the ease of which you are forgiven, means that one who sins can be forgiven to commit more sins in the future. I found that preposterous.”

“I immediately explain my idea to DEADWAX, and he jumped onboard immediately, and in less than 4 months, we finished writing and recording the whole album.”

“I hate comparing newer bands with renowned acts, but at times, I seriously hear passages that would blend in seamless with the heydays of The True Mayhem. These guys do not need the comparison though. What they do, is fucking awesome. Just listen.”
– Lords of Metal

Produced by Funeral Hearse and Vinod Vastaran
Mixed & Mastered by Vinod Vaskaran at LightWave804 Studio
All Music, Lyrics, Songs created and performed by Funeral Hearse

Funeral Hearse are:
Deadwax: All Vocals, Additional Drums
Azrael- Guitars, Bass, Drums