Corrupted Saint – Mutilated Before The Masses MC


1. Tomb of the Tyrant 03:18
2. Forced to the Gallows 04:49
3. Process of Elimination 03:30
4. Embalmed Alive 05:38

$ 8.00

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SKU: IIR012MC Category:
“In an era of plague, disinformation and pain, there are few things that we can reliably trust to get us through the night. However one thing that has stood strong is death thrash. The latest from Corrupted Saint is a fitting entry to the canon. Mutilated Before The Masses is a potent offering that routinely impresses the listener with its crushing riffs and thrilling song structures. This is a thrash metal album that goes for the throat, dragging you by the hair around the pit and beating your skull in. Corrupted Saint are the sort of impressive slaughter one can’t help but to love….This is what thrash metal was always meant to be about and if you’re not ready to get bloody – well then this is not for you. ”
– Two Guys Metal Reviews

Need a healthy dose of Death Thrash to free you from the frustrations and anxieties of this world pandemic? Redefining Darkness (US) & Raw Skull Recordz (Europe) got you covered with a brand new EP from Florida up-in-comers Corrupted Saint! Corrupted Saint are an abrasive gut punch of scathing Death Thrash reminiscent of greats like Demolition Hammer, Devastation, Exhorder, Solstice, and Num Skull! …So prepare to get THRASHED!

Corrupted Saint is:
Kyle Sweeny – Vocals | Guitars
Chase Moody – Lead Guitar
Ruben Madrigal – Bass
Nate Boulter – Drums

Recorded by Jim Ross
Mixed & Mastered by JB Van Der Wal
Artwork by Karl Dahmer
Layout by Rai Wolters