Sculpted Horror – Festering Death MC

1. Cursed Flesh 03:12
2. Worship of the Dead 03:26
3. Night Terrors 04:06
4. Bonewalker (Instrumental) 03:13

$ 7.50

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SKU: REDA062MC Category:
“Bound to cause spontaneous bouts of head-banging, Cursed Death seeps into the brain matter. Worship of the Dead and Night Terrors are utter savagery, the latter in particular showcasing a heaving set of drums and echoing vocal style that buries deep like a tick.
Finally it’s the instrumental Bonewalker to wrap an excellent release. Even without the vocals, the intensity is still at 11. This is a death metal instrumental track, allowing the nuances of the guitars to lead and control. Bloody brilliant.”
– Games, Brrraaains, and a Headbanging Life

” I am compelled to say that this was a full-throttle thrasher, the soloist certainly outdone himself him & compiled a brisk yet pummelling pounder that is definitely worth the listen – persevered with talent & overarched with ominously salubrious brutality…a must listen!”
– Metal Temple

“”Chunky riffs drip with gory goo as they make minor

Sculpted Horror is Tim Rowland.
All Instruments – Tim Rowland
Written and Recorded at Twin Victims Recordings in October of 2018
Artwork – Tim Rowland
Layout – Thomas Haywood